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13 April 2018


11 stages of SkyWay development

On April 25, 2018 SkyWay Group of Companies will pass over to a new, twelfth stage of development. 11 of 15 stages is two-thirds of the way and a good reason to "check the clock" and evaluate everything that has been done to date. The main thing is that eleven stages have been passed with indicators exceeding the plans, and now we have overcome the tenth and eleventh stages at once, although such an accelerated development of events was not planned. Force majeure, new circumstances, emergency decisions - all this was on the way, of course. Many things have changed, but only the one who stands still does not develop and does not change.

Today the economy is an unpredictable whirl of events, in which it is rather difficult to plan something. If previously there could be an economy based on a 5-year plan, today it is unlikely to schedule something and implement it without significant changes for such a long time.

General designer of SkyWay Anatoly Yunitskiy comments on the essence of planning in contemporary business: "No plan has ever been executed as a tracing-paper copy; a plan is just a vector of movement. However, while moving forward there is sometimes a headwind, a storm and a hail shower that not a single plan can foresee. Nevertheless, a plan remains a plan and you should not trust companies that are constantly reviewing previous plans. These are fake companies. We complement the skeleton of the plan and explain what is happening in the Group of Companies, because transparency is one of the main values for us.

The 15 stages indicate not only approximate dates that will inevitably shift due to force majeure (for example, Lithuanian relocation), but also financing for the implementation of these stages, which depends on the investment climate. We believe that it is necessary not to change plans, but to explain to people why we do even more than we planned, and for less funds, however, a little later. That's more honestly. We are for the truth in business."

In the world where 99% of businesses do not survive within the first five years of existence, transparency is the key to success. The annual financial audit of the organization is a constant practice. SkyWay Technologies Co. successfully passed it in 2015, 2016 and 2017 (the results will be published soon). According to the estimates provided in the conclusion report from the authorized organization, accounting statements of SkyWay Technologies Co. reflect reliably the financial position of the company in all significant aspects at all stages.

The main milestones of the ten development stages passed



On the eve of the transition, the General designer of SkyWay Anatoly Yunitskiy gave a detailed interview, which he recently does only on extremely important occasions. The main thing for all of us - the development vector of the Group of Companies, set in 2014, is strictly implemented. Despite the fluctuations caused by the relocation from Lithuania to Belarus, counterproductive media resources and the global economic situation.

We have done many things that had not been planned, some things have been done faster. The creation of the lightweight urban track was started already at the seventh stage. We have created unibike and 18-seat local unicar, the Group of Companies added to its property the facilities that produce motor-wheels and engines, developed the system of container transportation, planned already certification of the double-rail 48-passenger unibus and demonstration of high-speed transport.

Eleven stages were successfully completed despite insufficient financing of the project and complicated investment climate in the country and worldwide.

Less was spent than it was planned and more was done.

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