Transport and environment: world news
We continue the cycle of news publications to review the world trends in the field of transport, ecology and high technologies in the format of a brief digest. Our selection will help you to be always aware of the main trends that are directly or indirectly related to the future of transport technologies.
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- Russia is going to have “smart” stops that will be able to call buses (in Russian).
- Volvo has tested a prototype of unmanned bus under real conditions.
- What public transport might look like in 2045.
- Public transport market development, top trends and future scope with upcoming opportunities.
- Electric public transport market: presents an overall analysis, trends and forecast 20182026.
- Journey of giant garbage islands in the ocean: NASA revealed a frightening picture (in Russian).
- “Iron man” exists: vivid flight videos have emerged (in Russian).
- UK project to ‘revolutionise road networks with smart infrastructure’.
- London-Glasgow passengers choose rail over air.
- Hyundai has tested a convoy of self-driving trucks.