Video "Low-speed UST freight route"
Unitsky Company prepared a video about the UST freight route with speed up to 100 km per hour.
Technical and economic parameters shown in the video UST freight route:
- the net cost of cargo transportation is USD 0.5-1.0 per 100 ton-kilometers;
- the load capacity a single module is 2-10 tons;
- the load capacity a freight train is 20-150 tons;
- the cost of construction a single-track route with infrastructure is USD 0.15-0.25 million per km;
- the cost of construction a two-track route with infrastructure is USD 0.3-0.5 million per km;
- throughput single-track route is up to 5 million tons per year;
- throughput two-track route is up to 20 million tons per year
- the consumption of steel for the construction of double-track route is 80-160 kg per meter;
- the consumption of reinforced concrete for the construction of double-track route is 0.05-0.15 cu. meter per meter;
- the alienation of land for the foundation pillars is 0.01-0.02 hectare per kilometer